1 | The League will be known as The Sunshine Bowling League and will be open to all bona-fide mixed amateur clubs within the district. | |
2 | The League shall be governed by a council consisting of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Chairman and one delegate from each member club. Twelve will be a quorum. Each member club shall have only one vote. | |
3 | The annual general meeting shall be held in January each year. Each member Club shall have a maximum of two votes. All clubs wishing to join the league must be represented at the A.G.M. | |
4 | The league secretary shall be an honorary member of all the clubs forming the league. | |
5 | The league rules shall not be altered except at an Annual General Meeting by a majority vote. Any proposed alterations shall be notified in writing or email to the league secretary at least 21 days prior to the A.G.M. who will then notify all club secretaries. | |
6 | Matters of urgency or dispute shall be dealt with by an emergency committee of the officers of the league, together with any two member secretaries. Decisions by this committee will be binding and final.
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7 | All matches shall commence no later than 2.00 pm unless an alternative time has been mutually agreed by both teams. An allowance of 15 minutes for unavoidable delay of three or more visiting team members may be made. | |
8 | All matches outstanding will be declared void, with no points awarded to either team, if not played five days prior to the Annual Presentation Tournament. Unless a written notice is given to the Sunshine League Secretary, by the offending club, giving permission to award six points to the opposing team. | |
9 | A player must play for only one club during the season, unless at least 7 days notice is given to the League Secretary in writing or email that he/she wishes to transfer to another club. Both clubs must be in agreement with the transfer. A player may only make one such transfer during the season. Clubs with A, B and C registered players may only play B and C team players in the A team for two games, and C team players in the B team for two games. Any player playing three times for the A or B team(s), becomes an A or B team player, and can no longer return to and play for the team they originally played for. | |
10 | Each team will play home and away games with all other teams in the same division. In each game a team will consist of 9 players per team of any gender in blocks of three, each game having 21 live ends. If a game is abandoned during play because of bad weather or any other valid reason, provided at least fifteen complete ends have been played by all rinks, or a total of 45 ends, then the score at the time of abandonment stands. If any of the rinks have played less than 15 ends, or the total ends played is less than 45, the match will be replayed at a later date. The result of the matches need only be submitted by the home team. | |
11 | In the event of a club fielding an incomplete team, or if a team becomes incomplete, the lead in the block or blocks concerned may be allowed to play one extra wood, but shall not play two woods consecutively. If a rink consists of 2 V 3 the order of play is lead, lead, second, but the team with the complete team always starts on every end. The team that wins the end still casts the jack on the following end. Skips play as normal. The number of blocks allowed to play extra woods shall not exceed two. In the event of a player arriving late he/she shall be allowed to join his/her rink provided no more than three ends have been played.. | |
12 | Any club scratching a fixture should give 24 hours notice to the other club involved and to the League Secretary, except in unavoidable circumstances such as inclement weather, sudden illness or accident. | |
13 | In case of dispute on one of the rinks, the rink skips will arbitrate and if no agreement can be reached, the end or ends will be declared void and replayed (a no end). | |
14 | No trial ends will be allowed. | |
15 | Unless otherwise covered in these rules, all matches shall be played as in E.B.F. rules subject to green restraints. If the jack is forced into the ditch by the effects of play, it shall be deemed live and played to. Any wood played or forced into the ditch will be deemed dead and removed from play. On a drawn end, neither block can enter shots, but the end deemed to be played (a no scoring end).
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16 | The dates of all matches will be compiled by the league secretary. Note club A, B and C teams within the same division must play their first games against each other by the 30th June. All subsequent alterations should also be notified to the League Secretary. | |
17 | All clubs are to register a list of their players, A, B and C teams separately, with the League Secretary by the 1st May each year. Only such registered players may be included in teams. Late registration will be accepted for players joining a club or transferring. Such registration must be made with the league secretary 24 hours before the player can be included in a team. If an illegal player is included in a side, then that side will forfeit four points. If there are not enough points scored in the game to allow this, then the deficit will be taken from their seasonal total. | |
18 | The results of all matches to be sent to the League Secretary within 3 days of the match being played. This can be done via email, Facebook, What's App or text message. Always fill in the result sheet, complete it and attach the result. No results can be sent by post any more. | |
19 | POINTS TO BE AWARDED Each winning block 1 point Drawn blocks half a point Winning team 3 bonus points (Maximum points awarded is six) | |
20 | League trophies to be returned to the League Secretary by 14th August. | |
21 | All players are requested to wear appropriate dress Men - White tops, grey trousers or knee length grey shorts. Ladies - White tops, grey skirt or slacks or knee length grey shorts. Or club colours - sweaters or shirts all as a team Footwear to be smooth soled regulation bowls shoes. | |
22 | League fees to be determined at the A.G.M. All cheques paid to the league, should be made out to The Sunshine Bowling League. | |
23 | Applications to join the league, or withdraw from the league, must be sent in writing or by email to the League Secretary before November 30th. | |